Keeping your Home Warm and Cosy During the Winter Months

As temperatures plummet, we are all looking for ways to keep the house cosy and warm, but don’t want to spend a fortune keeping it like this. So, what are the best things that you can do to make your heating go a bit further this winter?

Close your doors – Keep doors closed in the house, especially if you have a room that you are not using – you don’t want to be paying to heat unused rooms. Your heating will go a lot further when you keep the doors of the rooms closed and the heat trapped in.

Look after your boiler – If your boiler is old and faulty this could be costing you money – have an professional like this boiler repair Gloucester based company HPR Services come and have a look at it for you and if necessary replace it with a more modern and energy efficient model.

Think about the loft – A quarter of all the heat in the home is lost through the roof, so take advantage of any schemes offering insulation available to you and get your roof insulated to keep that precious heat inside where it belongs!

Guard the windows – Windows are another way that heat is lost in the home – have any breaks in the windows repaired and get some thermal blinds or curtains to stop the heat being lost through your windows.

Richard Brown

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How to Look After your Garden Fence this Winter

Mon Dec 21 , 2020
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