Jobs for the Garden during March

Spring is just around the corner, and that means that it is time to get our gardens looking great in preparation for the summertime – spending some time gardening, is not only relaxing but is also rewarding as come the summer, you will be able to spend time around the glorious blooms that you planted now and see the outcome of all your hard work.

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You don’t even need to go out to get any plants – there are plenty of ways to order plants directly to your home such as this online garden centre Kent based where you can browse the things you are looking for and have them sent to you.

During March the weather can sometimes still be a little unpredictable and wintery snow flurries are not unheard of, so this is the time to start planting the hardier plants directly outdoors – lilies and gladioli are perfect for planting now, straight into the ground or into pots if you prefer.

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Vegetables are also a good thing to plant at this time of the year – if you want to enjoy some delicious home-grown vegetables later in the year then this is the perfect time to get planting carrots and cabbages. As well as this you can plant some rhubarb now to make sure you have plenty of crumbles later on in the summer!

If your garden furniture could do with a bit of TLC, this is a good time to give it a fresh coat of paint and get it looking as good as new!


Richard Brown

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What is Soil Made Up of?

Thu Feb 18 , 2021
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