Flowers to Spot in the Countryside

Moving to the countryside is a dream that for many people is now a possibility thanks to the move by many companies to allow staff to work from home long term. Rural estate agents like Gloucester estate agents TGRES have been inundated with people looking for their perfect rural retreat.

There are a lot of reasons to move to the countryside, but one of the obvious ones is of course the more pleasant surroundings. This time of the year in particular is a time when nature puts on dazzling displays, and as you wander the woodlands and fields, you might want to keep a look out for some of these beautiful blooms…

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Bluebells – These beautiful flowers are instantly recognisable and always herald the transition from spring to summer. The sight of a woodland floor covered in bluebells can take your breath away. Look out for them at the end of April as they usher in the warmer weather.

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Cow Parsley – One of the common sights of the British hedgerow during the summer months these flowers are known as umbels – the flowers cluster on individual stalks from one centre. Hugely popular with wildlife, these understated plants can be found in abundance.

Dog Rose – These prickly yet pretty climbing plants are another hedgerow spectacle that are seen in May and June with pretty pink flowers adorning them. In the autumn time you will also be able to identify them by their red berries which are known as hips.

Richard Brown

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