How and When to plant garlic?

Sowing or planting garlic in pots or a garden is not very complex. But When to plant garlic. We teach you all the tricks to have garlic in your home and use them in your cooking recipes. Whether they are white or purple, planting garlic is a good way to start gardening and planting tasks since it is one of the simplest tasks that exist, and we can easily obtain our garlic.

When to plant garlic?

If we are thinking of dedicating ourselves to gardening, we can use a space in the garden or a planter on the terrace and set up our own urban and ecological garden. Now we will see that garlic can be planted in it since this species requires little effort.

When to plant garlic

To plant garlic, we will need a planter or a small space in our garden, a little substrate for the pots, and ahead of garlic. We select the type of garlic we want: white or purple, and we disassemble its head, removing all the garlic cloves. Next, we fill a pot or a planter with soil or substrate, and we introduce the garlic cloves, always with the finest point facing up. We do it with furrows to plant at a distance of about 10-15 cm. Between each tooth. We water the area and if it is in the garden, we will have selected a place where the sunlight is, while, if we do it in a planter or pot, we must place it in a bright place.

In a few weeks, we will have the garlic plants ready, which we can consume fresh or allow to dry. In the latter case, we will have obtained the classic heads of garlic.

When are garlic sown?

The garlic plant does not need too much cold or too much humidity, and its care is not demanding. It has two planting seasons: from October to November and from January to March. Little by little, we will see how its leaves come out.

Read more: Tips for gardening in pots

If we orient ourselves by the lunar calendar, and according to the popular saying, when the moon wanes, everything that goes down is sown, and when it grows, what goes up is sown. This ancestral knowledge that farmers have never failed, so garlic must be planted on a waning moon. Nothing happens if we do it in another era, but they will come out much better and more quality if we do it. On the other hand, the climate is not very important despite being a dry plant, but the garlic will be spicier if it is colder.

How to sow garlic?

The associations refer to the group of legumes, fruits or vegetables with which it can be planted since it favors its growth or those with which it should not be sown. It is not recommended to grow it with legumes and cabbages or where beans, spinach or beets have been previously planted. However, its favorable associations are carrot, tomato and onion.

The soil or soil in which we plant the garlic must be light, not caked, and always well-drained. Garlic is very sensitive to humidity, and it does not suit it, so we will not need to water your plants excessively, since it is a rainfed plant, although until the bulbs are formed, we will have to water something more frequently and keep the planting soil more humid.

You do not have to water excessively and always keep the soil with little humidity, and the best thing is to always give the sun to the garlic plant. If the soil has too much moisture and does not drain well, the garlic can end up spoiling because it will rot. If we do it right – it’s very easy – it won’t take long to see results.

Finally, the garlic plant is very easy to maintain and does not usually have pest problems. However, since there are species of flies or beetles that can invade the bulbs, we must be vigilant to apply some insecticide in its irrigation, making it special for plants. This can be done in mid-April, which is just when the mild temperatures begin.

On the other hand, we should not water the garlic too much, because in this case, either it rots, or yellow flowers will come out and the garlic we collect will be very small.

When the garlic is harvested?

Garlic harvesting begins at the end of May and usually lasts until the beginning of August, then we have a lot of months to see how our garlic plant evolves and when it is ready to be harvested. What is recommended is to collect the garlic before August because just as garlic does not like humidity at all, the plant does not withstand the dry and hot months in excess.

Regarding the garlic sprouts or young garlic, the cultivation is the same, and the plant too. The difference is in the harvest. The garlic is the stem of the garlic before it matures and forms the head. If we collect it before the garlic matures and becomes a head of garlic, we will have the garlic that we can consume before letting the plant mature. This plantation is simple and cheap. Those who have already tried it notice the difference between purchased garlic and organic garden garlic since its flavor is more intense, and the garlic comes out bigger and, once dry, lasts longer.

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