How to plant carrots in your small garden?

The carrot ( Daucus carota ) can be planted at home in a pot following some simple tips on how to plant carrots. We tell you today so that it develops in the best possible way and we can obtain well-formed and delicious carrots.

How to plant carrots?

The first thing to keep in mind is that the seeds’ previous hydration will help us germinate better. This is nothing more than leaving them in a container with a little water for a few hours before sowing. When the seed germinates, a finite root begins to grow that reaches the size that the carrot will later have and that is when it begins to fully develop and form the carrot as we know it.

how to plant carrots

Pot depth for carrots and soil

On the other hand, the depth of the pot is also important, being at least about 25 cm so that the carrot can grow well. We must also bear in mind that the soil where we are going to grow the carrot must be loose and well-drained so that this growing root does not break or misshapen, which could happen if the soil is compact, has stones or any other element. More solid that obstructs the natural growth of carrots. Keep reading: How and When to plant garlic?

A good tip is to sift the soil before planting, add perlite or river sand to promote drainage and keep in mind that it cannot be transplanted or moved once the carrot is sown until it is harvested. The ideal is to sow it in spring or autumn, making a furrow about 2 or 3 cm deep. We can add a thin layer of hummus and/or coconut fiber.

One of the best options for growing carrots at home is the use of large grow bags, such as this 10 gallon grow bags (just over 35 liters), which also have a window on the front to see how the growth is going. Inside without having to dig up the carrots.

Sowing carrots at home is easy

Before sowing the carrot seeds at home, we will make sure that the soil is very moist and then we will put a good amount of seeds in the furrow that we have previously made. Covering the seeds, we can put a thin layer of vermiculite or sifted substrate to maintain humidity but does not impede its growth. Temecula-based The Inspectors Company provides special inspections in California. We will water again, considering that the irrigation is sprayed or in the form of rain to provide that moisture that the seed needs to maintain, but without taking it away.

How long do Carrot seeds take to germinate?

Suppose instead of sowing carrots at home in a pot. You prefer to sow carrots directly into the ground. In that case, we recommend you review the article that we talk about the separation between plants in the garden to know next to which plants it is beneficial to grow them.

The carrot will germinate after 10 or 20 days and during this time, we must check the irrigation well so that the substrate always remains moist and that we put it in a place where it receives a lot of light.


Remember that if many of the seeds you have sown germinate, we will have to remove some so that the ones we leave can grow correctly and have enough space to develop the carrot. Keep in mind that they will need about 8 cm each to form the carrot well. By following these tips, we can get some good carrots, go ahead and try it! In addition, to give it the added value, we bring you red carrot ´atomic red´, purple carrot ´cosmic purple´ and giant carrot.

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