Garden Maintenance in the Winter

Having a garden is lovely but to be the best it can and for you to be able to enjoy it to the fullest, it needs to be maintained. During the summer we all spend lots of time working on the garden, but in some ways, it is even more important to make sure that we also do this in the winter months.

To make sure that your garden is kept up together and is a pleasant place to spend time when the weather starts to improve, here are a few ways that you can maintain your garden during the winter…

Guard against winter storms – In the UK storms are a regular part of the winter. Unfortunately, we all have to deal with some turbulent weather in the winter and you want to make sure that it doesn’t wreak havoc on your garden. Make sure that your fence is checked regularly for any signs of damage, and repair immediately if you notice any.

It is a good idea in the winter to do a bit of maintenance on things you aren’t using – look after your lawnmower and if necessary, replace parts with Briggs and Stratton parts from Briggs bits. Also, make sure you keep garden furniture away from the weather in a garage or shed.

Plants need protection too, so move plants that are vulnerable to low temperatures and frost into a greenhouse or keep them covered over when the weather gets chillier.

Richard Brown

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