Essential tools must have in your bonsai care kit

Caring for a bonsai requires very few tools that make certain jobs or tasks easier and faster, making it much easier for us to take care of our small tree. The range of quality and the price of the tools necessary to care for a bonsai is very variable. It is advisable to buy the best basic set of tools that we can get since we will appreciate the correct functioning of these and their durability with frequent use.

If you want to know the necessary tools with bonsai care kit, continue reading this article and discovering them all.

The importance of bonsai care kit

Using the right tools for the care and maintenance of a bonsai is the difference between achieving a spectacular result and that little by little, our tree deteriorates. To take care of a bonsai most practically and effectively possible, you should get a set of basic and good quality tools and learn to use them correctly. Various materials help us to grow a bonsai, some tools help us in pruning and there are some that are to help us form the trunk of our small tree, among others.

Pruning, wiring, watering, fertilizing and many other things in the maintenance of bonsai are basic keys to ensure that they grow healthy and have a long life. These usual activities of caring for these plants are very difficult to carry out if the tools we have are not specific for bonsai. For this reason, we advise you to get the ones you need and that are at least of average quality, thus facilitating gardening tasks. In the following lines, you will find the essential tools for your bonsai.

The main needed tools must have in bonsai care kit

Among the necessary tools to care for a bonsai, these are the most basic and essential to achieve good results and be successful in the maintenance of our small tree:

Small Scissors: These will allow you to do the fine work of cutting in a small space. These scissors should be small, sharp, and should only be used to care for the bonsai. You can start with a small set of scissors, some straighter and others are more curved to make pruning easier. Although your bonsai is rather large, you can use normal size scissors. The small size scissors are ideal for working with very small or very slow-growing bonsai, where it is difficult to reach with large scissors. Therefore, these are essential to care for a small bonsai.

Concave blades: they are possibly the most important tool you need to have a bonsai in the growth stage. These blades will allow you to cut the tree branches and leave a concave wound. The wound heals much faster than a straight cut.

Cable cutters or pliers: If you use cables or wires to support and shape your bonsai, you will likely have to cut this material at some point during the life of the tree. These wire cutters allow you to cut the wire down to the tree’s bark without damaging it. These are also essential. You also want to have several different thicknesses of wire. In general, anodized copper wire is the most recommended for bonsai wiring. It is very flexible, keeping its position always the same as how you left it on the tree and you will use it to position trees and weave branches.

Cutter Knobs – These are very similar to concave cutters except that they have a ball head, which will allow you to cut branches and leave a small hollowed-out scar.

Folding Saw: It is a useful tool for making cuts larger than the concave blades or knob cutters’ diameter. These are especially important for working with larger-sized bonsai.

Root rake: used to remove dirt from the root ball before transplanting to the tree. It is used to gently comb the roots and to clean the surface of the bonsai base.

Tweezers: These can be extremely useful in growing bonsai. The tweezers have all kinds of uses in a bonsai, from clean pinching to remove leaves without damaging the healthy ones, thanks to their precision, to bend branches or clean the roots.

All these tools necessary to care for a bonsai are useful in various stages of the tree’s life and can even help us make different grafting types on a bonsai.

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