Work is a place where we spend a lot of time, so making sure that the work environment is pleasant, and people feel that they can speak to someone if they are having problems is important. One of the things that are important for a good work environment is an understanding of mental wellbeing.
Mental health problems can have a huge impact on people’s lives, including work, so fostering a workplace environment where this is not a taboo subject is something that all employers should strive for.
There are many ways that you can make the workplace more mental health friendly. Increasing an understanding of mental illnesses and what the signs and symptoms of them are, is a great way to do this. Courses like these Tidal Training mental health training courses are a great resource to help to educate people on mental health and give everyone more awareness and understanding of it.
Good communication at work is also a good way to encourage people to talk about mental health. Having regular catch ups with staff and even having a designated mental health officer in the workplace who can offer support can help staff to feel that they can talk about a mental health problem that they are having, and this can help them to get help and ultimately to recover from it.
Making sure that all staff are aware of the company policies which surround mental health and having that awareness and understanding of it will lead to a more inclusive, healthy and happier workplace as people don’t feel that the subject is taboo.