Doctor Who enemies who had us hiding behind our pillows

In 1962 a television programme aired for the first time on the BBC. It was an early Saturday evening TV show that was to become the longest-running science fiction television series ever made. It was Doctor Who. The show almost never made it to the screen. The BBC were worried about how the expensive show would be received by the public. The main point of the show was to live up to the BBC’s charter to Educate, entertain and inform. Doctor Who was supposed to be a way of teaching history to children.

The first series featured adventures in the Stone Age, the Middle Ages and even the Aztecs. However, these were nothing compared to the mechanised terror that was to come in the shape of the Daleks and their horrible planet of Skaro.  Back then, if you had a poor aerial, the picture on the TV was usually pretty bad. The same is true for today, and only the attention of a TV aerial repair Cheltenham based operation like can possibly help you. There were plenty of other Doctor Who monsters that have had us hiding behind the sofa. Which are the scariest?

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  1. The Daleks. Following centuries of terrible war against the Thals, the Kaleds discovered that they were becoming mutants. However, a group of scientists, led by a certain Davros, create a machine of immense armour and fighting power. Without emotion and convinced that they were the master race, the Daleks were born.
  1. Cyberman. These metalmen are part human, part Robot, and are pretty similar to the Daleks. They also have no emotions and are sure that they are the best race in the Universe.
  1. Sontarans. Slightly small, bald clones, they live only for battle and the defeat of their arch enemies, the Rutans.

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  1. Sea Devils. These Unpleasant looking tortoise headed sea creatures appeared from the waves firing torches at people, a very atmospheric monster.
  1. The Zygons. Able to appear as a human, these nasty looking red-faced and sucker laden aliens were a real thorn in the Doctors’ side for many episodes.

As American television films and shows like Star Wars and Battlestar Galactica came on the screen, the days of the effective Doctor Who monster were numbered. The American’s slick productions, with a bigger budget for special effects, meant the “man in the rubber suit” approach couldn’t cut it with modern audiences anymore.

Richard Brown

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