This is one of the most important points when starting a tomato crop since if it is not approached correctly, it can be one of the main causes of the incidence of diseases, late-ripening, and poor yield. How far apart to plant tomatoes? If the distance between plants is insufficient […]

The shrimp plant has its origin in Mexico and is a tropical plant that has many species, although only the so-called guttata can be grown indoors. Its scientific name is Beloperone and it has other common names such as chuparrosa, indoor hops or eat me. It belongs to the Acantáceas […]

The cultivation of aromatic plants indoors is becoming more popular every day, since they are species that need very little care and provide a large number of benefits, from merely their pleasant smell to their use as culinary ingredients or spices and their ability to keep some insects away. If […]

There is a great variety of plants that are sensitive to frost and low temperatures. Therefore, we must protect them during the winter if we want them to survive. Frost causes dehydration in plants since the roots are not able to absorb the necessary water. How to protect plants from […]

Surely, if you have plants, you will have noticed that in some it appears like a veil or velvety white stain on the leaves and stems, mainly, of courgettes, cucumbers, and fruits like melon or watermelon. It is also common in roses or carnations. It is the powdery mildew, a […]